Dance Educators of America

Dance. Educate. Aspire.

(914) 636-3200

Dance Educators Of America
World-Class dance organization, dedicated to education first. 



From the beginning in 1932, when Dorothy Norman Cropper taught ballroom, Dance Educators of America stated, “We exist for the educational purposes of our members.” Thousands of men and women members have shared and furthered their love and knowledge of Dance with each other and their students.

Throughout the years, membership requirements have been a big part of the “Educational Process” of Dance Educators. The code of ethics insures that our members are held to a higher standard of business practices and it is still part of membership requirements.

The principles that Dance Educators was founded on are still in place, updated to keep pace with the changing times. Our membership is steadily increasing.  Members benefit from the educational opportunities that are provided at the workshop classes and competitions that stress good sportsmanship and training.  Dance Educators will never lose sight that we must “Put Education Before Competition.”

The outstanding faculty that Dance Educators use during workshops has been selected because in every sense of the word they are "Educators First.” Each and every one of them crave and drive to leave their imprint on the next generation of dancers. Our goal is to help teachers, reinforce their guidance and give them other sources needed to help their students become “the best they can be” at whatever they choose to do. 

Dance. Educate. Inspire. 


President - Kelli Dickens

Vice President - Jimmy A. Peters

Secretary - Penny Goelz

Treasurer - Fran Peters

Education Director - Todd Shanks

Title Director - Heather Goelz

Musical Theatre - Jimmy A. Peters

Directors at Large Two-Year Term

Tonya Matheny

Shelley Lowe Whan

Directors at Large One-year Term

Drew Burgess

Region Directors

Heather Goelz - Mid Atlantic

Todd Shanks - New England

Maria Sanchez - Southwest

Michael Taylor - Southeast

Tyler Warren - Western

JoAnne Zavisa - Midwest

  • A Member of Dance Educators of America shall refrain from attempts to procure the services of a full time employee or staff member of or another school, unless such action is agreeable to the employer.

  • A Member employed by a school or institution shall not withdraw his services without giving ample notice.

  • A Member employed full time by a school or institution shall not accept other employment unless such action is agreeable to his present employer.

  • A Member shall not dismiss an employee without first giving ample notice or equitable severance pay.

  • A Member shall not discredit malign, or in any way cast reflections on the professional standing of another school or teacher, nor shall they countenance such actions by those in their employ.

  • A Member shall refrain from making false claims.

  • A Member shall not, through personal contact by himself or his representatives, attempt to entice students from another school or institution.

  • All Members should keep DEA's "Standard of Excellence" by attending one (1) Regional Workshop (free for Members) each year.